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$65 Hour

Per Hour - Pay as you go


Need some minor work done but not sure of how many hours? Try this pay as you go rate. Pay for the hours worked.

  • By arrangement only.

  • For non-urgent (casual) work - not intended for more than 5 hours per week.

  • 72 hours notice required.

  • Invoiced weekly.



This pay as you go rate is for busy service providers who might just need an ad-hoc non-urgent task. Its for people who have established systems, templates and procedures.

Scope of services: Administration Services only - not project management and not course building. Eg. Newsletters, Minor website updates, Canva designs, Minor edits to content/material, Student support services.

The services are to be agreed upon between us prior to the commencement of this service.

Any costs incurred such as phone calls, line rentals, specific stationery purchased on your behalf, other purchases on your behalf, specific software required that needs a paid licence will be added to your invoice.

Any time spent responding to messages, email, calls are also included in the hours.

How it works

Contact me to arrange a discovery call where we will discuss if this service is available and if it will suit your needs, how things are to be delivered and timelines. Contracts are signed and passwords shared and we get to work. Invoices are issued in advance and payable immediately.

The Practical Info

To ensure that we provide the best service we ask that all clients provide a minimum of 72 hours notice for work to be completed within business hours.  

The best way to work is to establish good communication with clear requirements on what is needed, when it's needed by, who will do what, and what needs to be actioned before the task can be done.


  • Working hours are during the working week. I don’t work on weekends or after hours unless its by agreement/arrangement - additional fees may apply for weekend work.

  • My time is valuable. I don’t do things for free, bargain on hours or provide discounts.

  • I don’t do anything unethical or unlawful.

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